On September 27, Apple TV+ premiered the action comedy, Wolfswritten and directed by Jon...
Twenty years! This year marks the 20th anniversary of theatrical release of SAWthe original...
Of it's official. Disney launches the third installment of your franchise The Princess Diaries...
After twists and turns, production delays, changes in the cast and behind the lens,...
As announced yesterday, the independent film studio A24released the first trailer of the psychosexual...
In November, Warner Bros. the thriller will be released in theaters Juror #2the fortieth...
the movie Woman of the Hour marks her directorial debut Anna Kendrickactress best known...
Paramount Pictures announced the pre-sale of Smile 2the long-awaited sequel to the biggest horror...
The 2001 novel, The Correctionswill be adapted to the small screen with the television...
Warner Bros. y New Line Cinema They started the marketing campaign for the horror...
The Perfect Couple it's the new miniseries Netflixinspired by the novel of the same...
The expected marketing campaign Joker: Folie à Deux continues to spoil the audience with...
Amazon has given the green light to the development of a series about Robocop....
In November this year, HBO takes us back to the science fiction universe, Dunewith...
The popular franchise Paddington Not only is the premiere of the third installment on...
Apple TV+ has an anticipated television project in development. This is the series Margo’s...
Last March it was announced that the acclaimed BBC original series, Peaky Blinderswill have...
In December of this year, Focus Features and Universal Pictures will release the long-awaited...
The horror hit of 2019, Ready or Notprepare the sequel Ready or Not 2which...
The Conjuring 4also known as The Conjuring: Last Riteshas just signed two new members....
The tragicomedy genre series Shrinking of Apple TV+revealed the official trailer for the second...