EDITOR'S NOTE: The following note contains SPOILERS for Season 2, Episode 5.
Ahead of the premiere of the sixth episode of the second season of House of the DragonHBO released a new trailer that brings with it the arrival of a new great dragon and the next step in the Dance of the Dragons.
Episode 6 will premiere on HBO and Max on Sunday, July 21 at 7pm (CDMX time).
In the previous episodes of season 2, the Black and Green sides made decisions that led to the Targaryen civil war, better known as the Dance of the Dragons. First we had Blood and Cheese, then the Cargyll twins' duel, and finally chaos breaks out in season 2, episode 4 at the Battle of Rook's Rest, an epic aerial battle in which Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) riding the dragon Vhagar, takes the life of Princess Rhaneys (Eve Best) and his dragon Meleys, as well as seriously wounding King Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) and his dragon Sunfyre (who is said to be dead).
Already in the fifth episode, after the loss of Rhaenys, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was shown (Emma D’Arcy) and his son Jacaerys Velaryon (Harry Collet), charting a new strategy in the fight for the black side. Mother and son realize that they could recruit more dragonriders if only they would search their family tree and find Valyrian blood elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms. These new riders could then claim the dragons that are roaming without an owner. This plot is known as the Dragonseeds plot. in the books.
And from what the trailer shows, it looks like the plan is being put into motion in episode 6, in which we see the arrival of Silverwing, who looks quite similar to Drogon from Game of Thronesand a bronze dragon that is apparently Vermithor. We saw this dragon earlier in the first season, being the dragon that Daemon sings to at Dragonstone. Jace also tells his mother Rhaenyra that they need Daemon (Matt Smith), although the rebel prince remains at Harrenhal in the Riverlands, building an army that could challenge the Greens.
Meanwhile, in King's Landing, Alicent (Olivia Cooke) is also trying to control Aemond, who has been declared Prince Regent following Aegon's fiery “accident” at Rook's Rest. “Have the indignities of your childhood not yet been sufficiently avenged?” he asks his son.
The prequel to Game of Thronessets its plot in Westeros, 200 years prior to the events portrayed in GoT, before the fall of the Throne, exploring the beginning and end of House Targaryen after the unification of the Seven Kingdoms.
The first season dramatized the backstory of key figures in King Viserys' reign and the civil war that resulted from his unfulfilled succession plans, and other heartbreaking events.
George R.R. Martin y Ryan Condal are the co-creators, co-writers, and executive producers. House of the Dragon It is based on the novel Fire & Blood of Martin.
Prior to the premiere of the second season, HBO confirmed that it had renewed HOTD for a third season.
Other executive producers include Sara Hess, Alan Taylor, Melissa Bernstein, Kevin de la Noy, Loni Peristere and Vince Gerardis.
The second season of House of the Dragon premieres episodes weekly on Sundays at 9pm ET (7pm Central Mexico) on HBO and Max. This season consists of 8 episodes, so this Sunday's episode will be the penultimate one.
Episode 6 trailer:
Source: https://cine3.com/house-of-the-dragon-trailer-de-la-t2e06-avecina-la-llegada-de-un-gran-dragon/