Despite the incredible work carried out by the promoters of one of the most interesting film production companies/initiatives that we can currently find, El Pampero Cine, it is undeniable that the voice of Mariano Llinás is omnipresent and can even outshine the work of his other colleagues. That is why we must celebrate the success of the new film from one of the cornerstones of the producer: Laura Citarella. Citarella presents us in Lauquen Train an epic divided into two parts that bears many similarities with other works by El Pampero Cine. Once again, he drinks from the same star system that they have built around their films and where Laura Paredes (actress who already participates in The flower and other films by Llinás) acts as the great protagonist of the work. A work that, like so many other films by the collective, delves into various mysteries and raises many questions that throughout its four and twenty hours of duration (which are short) will be resolved little by little.

train lauquen it is Bolaño, Borges, Cortázar, it is a labyrinthine game, a romantic, adventure and even science fiction film, it is intrigue but above all it is revelation. Revealing because although during the initial more than two hours it strives to solve an enigma hidden in the hidden correspondence between two lovers in books, the film is not afraid to start the second part by revealing that everything told so far is not important and that the Varadero mystery is another completely different. The concern to discover and even invent some truths that resolve the unknowns that appear in the film is the main engine that pushes the protagonists towards their desire for discovery. A search for a discovery of a tangible enigma (some mysterious letters, the legend of a creature, a disappearance…) but that ends up becoming a personal revelation that can go from falling in love without realizing it to a total rethinking of the role one occupies in the world. world.

Lauquen Train it’s an amazing movie because pushes reflection while delighting the viewer with a narrative structure full of small unknowns whose resolution process is fascinating. A film that from minute one fights to vindicate something as important as the freedom to tell stories.

Lauquen Train (Laura Citarella, 2022) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


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