You don’t have to go to a restaurant to eat tilapia ceviche! Follow the recipe and learn how to make the traditional Peruvian dish!
Tilapia Ceviche
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking timeminutes
Ensure a light, tasty and healthy dish by preparing this tilapia ceviche to whet your appetite!
500 grams of semi-frozen tilapia
100 ml of lemon juice
Juice of 1 orange and 1/2
1 red onion
Olive oil
1 small chili pepper
Black pepper to taste
Chopped parsley to taste
Chopped cilantro to taste
Salt to taste
- In a container place the tilapia in cubes, the onion in thin slices, the chopped parsley and cilantro, the orange and lemon juices, the chopped and seedless pepper and mix well.
- Season with salt, olive oil and black pepper to taste.
Mix very well, cover and set aside for about 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
Serve the tilapia ceviche chilled and fresh.