I have already said a little – very little, in fact, about the soundtrack of Guitar Days: An Unlikely Story of Brazilian Musicdocumentary by director Caio Augusto Braga about the Tupiniquim indie scene of the 90s, formed by the famous guitar bands.

Pin Ups, Second Come, Killing Chainsaw, Wry, Brincando de Deus, Cigarettes, Pelvs and other well-known names of those who (about) lived (the) the hells of the era of striped shirts are the motto of the film, which brings testimonials from the bands themselves, from people who were there and helped build it (the late Kid Vinil, Massari, Lariú, Malízia, Alexandre Matias, Miranda, etc.) “causers” of this small earthquake – Stephen Laurie, Thurston Moore, Mark Gardener – which, if it did not shake the structures of Brazilian music, definitely changed the lives of those who 30, 30 and a few years ago felt the ground shake and their ears bleed under the noise of the guitars. And there, I include myself.

Two days ago, on SP’s birthday, Caio made available Guitar Days on Vímeo, so my dears, there are no more excuses for not watching this true audiovisual portrait of an insane time when a bunch of crazies driven by ‘do it yourself’ tossed the unwritten rule that in order to rock on Brazil had to be sung in Portuguese and, literally, fucked up.

Open a beer, press play and good session!

In Portuguese

or in english

Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/01/27/filme-guitar-days-an-unlikely-story-of-brazilian-music/

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