Columbia Pictures is developing Jumanji 3a new installment of the franchise Jumanjiwith the returns...
NEON revealed the official trailer for the horror thriller Presence of Steven Soderbergh. The...
HBO will take us back to the world of Pennywise, with IT: Welcome to...
After starring in numerous projects of different genres, Liam Neeson found new life at...
The horror franchise Fear Street, o The street of terror as it is known...
With two weeks of exhibition in cinemas completed, Terrifier 3new installment of the slasher...
Leigh Whannellco-creator of horror franchises Saw e Insidiousdirector of Insidious: Chapter 3, Upgrade and...
Not only will we have a new season of Squid Gameo The squid gameas...
Last April, it was announced on stage at CinemaCon 2024 that the film franchise,...
With three weeks of exhibition in theaters, Joker: Folie à Deux, surpassed $200 million...
The next film project Alejandro G. Iñárritu, which will mark his first collaboration with...
The Oscar winner, Angelina Joliereturns this year to the big screen with the leading...
This week Netflix premiered on the streamer thriller de terror Don’t Move, from the...
HBO is having another hit on his hands, with The Penguinseries spinoff de The...
The movie classic Dirty Dancingfrom Lionsgate, is preparing a musical adaptation for Broadway, Variety...
Sony Pictures released the first official trailer for the comedy One of Them Daysa...
Netflix surprised fans of its drama and romance series, Virgin Riverannouncing that they have...
The Oscar winner, Angelina Joliereturns this year to the big screen with the leading...
The black comedy body horror, The Substanceby the French-born filmmaker Coralie Fargeat and the...
Last August, the horror and science fiction franchise Alien returned to the big screen...
After the great success of Prey (2022), 20th Century Studios greenlit film development Predator:...