30 years ago it was launched Blood musicChapterhouse’s swan song, to this day a band loved by 10 out of 10 indies (laughs) but definitely not because of this album.
Ask any gazer and/or the like and they will respond that the musical relevance of the group from Reading – yes, they are from the land of that festival – se resume a Whirpool or the singles the guys released before him. But who cares about musical relevance when you live a Cum of music in the flesh?
Blood music Is there shoegaze/dream pop in your formula? Of course yes, but merged into the various lysergic journeys of Andrew Sherriff and co., journeys that lead to dub, dance music, pop, oriental music and so on. And, obviously, there is no “Pearl”. All this and factors ranging from grunge to Britpop pushed him into limbo, a place I probably inhabited, since…
…there were countless trips dancing and melting to the sound of “Don’t look now” and “Everytime”, having spasms with “Greater power” (to this day one of the songs of my life and one of the most amazing ever made in the world of guitars) , deforesting the forest of neurons with “Deli”, in short, if that backyard of Maya’s house could talk, it would tell many unpublishable stories of sunny mornings and insane nights having Blood music as a soundtrack hahaha.
Then the album gained an ambient version by the duo Global Communication chamado Pentamerous metamorphosis (and Chapterhouse broke up); there is also yours instrumental twin brother, but none of that matters to me, not now. Today, on this night of October 25, 2023, memories are enough for me.
Listen closely and stay tuned!
Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/10/25/chapterhouse-blood-music-1993/