The Marvel Cinematic Universe is preparing a next Thor. According to information from the director Taika Waititithe protagonist Chris Hemsworth is in talks with Marvel to Thor 5.

Waititi directed the two most recent installments, Thor: Ragnarok (2017) y Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), and during the promotion of his new film Next Goal Winsthe filmmaker made it clear that he will not be involved in Thor 5and said he needed “a break from that.”

For the media Inverse explains:

“It’s a very exhausting process to work on these films for two and a half years and non-stop.”

But Waititi says that while he takes a break from Thor to concentrate on these other projects, he still feels affection for the God of Thunder and does not rule out returning:

“The question is when will I be able to fit that in?”

Waititi’s other projects, in addition to Next Goal Wins which Searchlight Pictures will release in theaters on December 27, 2023, include the adaptation of the acclaimed anime, Akirathe bestseller Klara and the Sunand a project Star Wars for the big screen.

At the moment the fifth film has not been made official by the studio, although in the end de Love and Thunderwe could see a line on the screen that warned “Thor will return.”


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