Condensed milk dessert with coconut

With only 3 simple ingredients, beijinho is a coconut sweetie that is quick and easy to prepare, as well as a delicious result!

Condensed milk dessert with coconut

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



Beijinho is a sweet that can’t be missed at birthday parties!


  • 1 package of grated coconut (100 grams)

  • 1 can of condensed milk (395 grams)

  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine

  • Grated coconut for breading


  • Put the condensed milk, the grated coconut and the butter or margarine in a pan off the heat and mix very well. 
    Take to medium fire and stir non stop until the mixture is very consistent and easily disgracing from the bottom of the pan when passing the spoon.
  • Transfer the candy to a plate, spread it out well and let it cool at room temperature or in the fridge if you prefer.
  • Grease your hands with butter or margarine and, using a spoon, shape the sweets. 
    Roll the kisses in some grated coconut and the recipe is ready to serve.

Recipe Video

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