Millennia ago, before the internet and its wonderful search tools, I bought several records and cassettes because of the cover, because I liked the name of the band, in short, shots in the dark that often hit the target and many times didn’t (laughs).

Well, at some point in the obscure year of 2020, aka the year before last, while researching something related to the Dummyclassic-more-than-classic debut of PortisheadI came across a band with the same name as the album and, in one of those shots in the dark version 2.0, I pressed play on an EP that also bears the same name and so, without meaning to, I bumped into a group that, from being unknown, became the house’s favorite.

The album above is a compilation released this year with the first two EPs of the Los Angeles quintet, including the album I heard in 2020. The influence of Stereolab e Broadcast screams in the ears already in “Angel’s gear” and goes straight to “Prime mover unmoved”, sometimes more guitarrry (as in the two aforementioned tracks), sometimes more experimental (“Touch the chimes”, “Nuages”). Impossible – at least for me – not to fall in love.

In 2021, Dummy recalibrated its focus on these and its other references (sixties psychedelics, kraut minimalism, shoegaze/dream pop) and investing even more in ambiences reached its first full album, Mandatory enjoymentwhich was released by the great label of Chigado Truble in My Mind and you can listen below 👇

And so, under the blessings of distortions, vintage electronics and beautiful vocal harmonies we arrive at Mono retrieverthe most recent single from the Californians that the great and always tuned Sub Pop released in the world last June, without taking or putting a single comma in the sound of the previous records.

If I say it’s going to revolutionize the music world or something I’m blatantly lying, on the other hand if I tell you it can wonderfully change your day and put Dummy among your new favorite bands, the truth is as crystal clear as the kaleidoscopic beauty of “Pepsi Vacuum”. He doubts? Press play and check it out.

Good trip!


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