Emma Philine from Leipzig is releasing her first album at the same time as her third single “Running out of Time”: “Hurricane” deals with destructive depression, bipolar disorder, the battle with oneself and the world. Dark, moving and impressive.

We have already interviewed not only Emma Philine, but also Heather Karing, who also worked on the album as a producer. There are also two other producers: Dennis Berendet aka Zoe Trop and Novalu.

Photo by Anna Luisa Richter / Artwork by Paul Radtke

The third single “Running out of Time” is “the best thing I have produced so far,” Emma writes about her song. The track is likely to be a hit, profound and the style of production captures the current zeitgeist. Emma Philine and her collab partners move between hyperpop and pop and artists such as ÄTNA, TR/ST and Ezekiel.

In terms of content, the Leipzig artist devotes herself to her dark sides:

“It's a song about the destructive side of life, dealing with depression and feeling like a ticking time bomb. I have bipolar disorder type 2 and for as long as I can remember I've been torn between two extremes: the highs and the lows. Being bipolar can be scary because you never know if you're going to become psychotic one day or have a major breakdown and do something you'd later regret.”Emma Philine

The video for “Running out of Time” was shot in the Ostpassage Theater: “This video shoot reminded me why I started making art. It connects passionate people and is a blessing despite all the challenges.” The video will be released next week.

You can see Emma Philine live on 6 July 2024 at DUQO experience. You shouldn't miss this, so come by.

Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/42474/emma-philine-veroeffentlicht-erstes-album-hurricane

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