It's time again for a few media tips – once for listening, twice for reading and once for support.

Radio feature “Time in the Club”

Our very esteemed author, editor for several years and publisher of our anniversary magazines (number 2 is coming soon), Antoinette Blume or Nastassja von der Weiden, has written the text for a feature about her time in the club that is well worth listening to. It came out as a podcast on MDR Kultur in mid-September.

In the 35-minute feature, a character takes us into the club, into the immersion in excess, into losing track of time – and also into the gradual alienation of this still fascinating world. Initially somewhat naively hyped, later becoming more and more complex. While the first part is a description of the oft-reproduced, almost generic club experiences, the second part goes into a more personal and critical reflection. In the time afterwards, in the cool of the way home, the slow wear and tear of the fascination, the shifting of preferences. And yet there is always this flickering. A very reduced and yet atmospheric radio piece. Our tip: Play!

Credit Illustration: Celina Hoß

Print-Magazin “Low Budget High Spirit”

The wonderful music industry newsletter Low Budget High Spirit has its new print magazine out. Since 2021, newsletter host Fabian Schuetze has been publishing a printed magazine once a year in which various guest authors share their experiences or points of view on current developments in the music industry.

There are again exciting topics in this issue: the current social situation of musicians, the new challenges in social media presence and the question of copyright in the age of artificial intelligence. In short: Number 4 is again extremely worth reading for anyone who likes to look behind the scenes of the music industry. The magazine can be ordered here for 10 euros – it is also available in the harbor on Karl-Heine-Straße.

Little teaser: We also have an interview with Fabian Schuetze in our soon-to-be-released gladfroh magazine – about the music industry in Leipzig.

Print magazine “Fazemag” with Leipzig special

Admittedly, Fazemag is not one of my regular reads, but there is a special about Leipzig club culture in the October issue. Several actors from the scene were invited to a roundtable – namely Moon Harbor co-founder André Quaas, Falk Wa-
cker from “Sound of Leipzig” and TixforGigs, Jörg Kosinski from Leipziger LiveKommbinat, Kristin Marosi from NachtRat, the local heroes DJ Filburt and Mandy Engel as well as the Leipzig Open Air collective.

The small group looks at the current changes in the scene – with the closure of the IfZ and the imminent reopening of the distillery. At the same time, there are insights into the work of the LiveKommbinat and the NachtRats, which help to represent the needs of night culture before politicians and administration. Overall, an exciting conversation. The issue is available to purchase in print at kiosks or as a digital version here.

The groove becomes a club

Finally, a support tip: Groove is currently repositioning itself organizationally and financially – more community-based. The original publisher took the online magazine out of its portfolio because it was no longer financially viable. But it is still relevant from a journalistic point of view. That's why the editorial team, together with 63 former and current editors, authors and some photographers and art directors, founded the Association for Technojournalism and is now inviting people to purchase annual memberships. You can choose between 50 and 300 euros. Interesting model that could actually be interesting for glad people too.

You can find further information about the background here.


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