Happy New Year. We start with a new edition of our Hey Hey podcast. Host Sebastian was at fem*vak this time.
fem*vak has existed since 2021 – an independent, intersectional network in the environment of the vak collective network, which supports and empowers FLINTA* people in the club scene. A separate room was added last summer.
At Hey Hey, our happy podcast, Sebastian talks to Luise and JoJo, two actors behind fem*vak. In an interview, they present the initiative in more detail, tell how it came about, which projects they initiated and which topics the collective itself is continuing to grow on.

After listening to Hey Hey, we recommend switching over to the fem*vak podcast – FLINTA* DJs are regularly presented there with a set and mini-interview. You can also find out more about current projects on the fem*vak website.
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/39663/hey-hey-femvak