Here comes the first 2025 edition of our Hey Hey podcast. This time Host Sebastian met with three players: inside, who are doing a lot behind the scenes for the Leipzig club culture. Thematically, it is about challenges and new opportunities for the local clubs.
The Leipzig club culture is currently experiencing a very dynamic time – with some farewells, new approaches and formats, many questions and concerns, but also a confidence. A few weeks ago, the institute closed its doors forever. At the beginning of this week, the Duqo reported the same project at the end of March. At the same time, other, well -known clubs are constantly being reinvented and apparently creating the generation change. This edition of our Hey Hey Podcast is all about all of this.

Host Sebastian speaks to Jörg Kosinski and Christoph Schirmer from the LiveKombinat Leipzig-an interest group of the Leipzig clubs and live music venues-as well as with Kristin Marosi. Until recently she was Leipzig's first coordinator for nightlife and in close exchange with politics, administration and scene. Although the position was only occupied for the first time in 2023, it almost stood on the brink in the last budget negotiations. But the use of Kristin and Livekomm was worth it. The position is currently being put out to be advertised – if you have desire and skills, you can find out and apply here.
Now listen to the podcast:
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/43882/hey-hey-im-talk-ueber-die-zukunft-der-leipziger-clubkultur