The new magazine of the Low Budget High Spirit newsletter has just come out. And anyone who is interested in insights and discourses on the music industry should definitely order it.
We actually wanted to bring a small article to the second LBHS magazine last year, but somehow it got lost. But now! If you haven’t figured it out yet: Low Budget High Spirit is an extremely exciting newsletter from Leipzig that accompanies the developments in the German and international music industry with a clever perspective, subtle humor and a great deal of analytical flair.
The newsletter is curated by Fabian Schuetze – who is no longer a stranger at gladfroh and in Leipzig. We had reported a lot about his band projects and his label Analogsoul. Fabian is now active behind the scenes with various companies, manages artists, books concerts, runs an online shop for soul and does a lot more.
With the low-budget High Spirit magazine, he wants to “rethink the music business” once a year together with various authors and protagonists from the music industry. For example, Franziska Nistler writes about how the electronic music scene is being increasingly undermined by commercial tendencies and Aylin Kazi shows how TikTok can be an opportunity for musicians. Fabian himself controls an interesting contribution to a considered handling of artificial intelligence. In between, there are always compact insights into the daily business of cultural workers.
Super exciting, even if some articles could have been more detailed. But, like Fabian’s newsletter, they provide interesting food for thought.
The magazine is now available online for 10 euros.
And while we’re on the subject of media tips: The Redfield Podcast, in which Fabian can also be heard again and again, provides equally exciting inside interviews from the music industry.
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/41057/medien-tipp-low-budget-high-spirit