For more than a decade, The Malaga Festival hosts with pleasure productions from the sinus of film schools (with the ESCC and the ECAM in front) that are still that, school productions, with all the good and the bad thing that this entails. In the positive aspect, we find freshness and youth; In the negative, lack of rigor and an effort to strain themes.

The debutante alone Sara Fantanova (student of the School of Film and Audiovisuals of Catalonia) presents in Jone, sometimes (Jone, sometimes) The Bilbao summer of the young Jone between family moments with her father widowed from Parkinson's and moments with her friends at the local parties. In this way, dramatic episodes and festive reliefs occur in a more concerned film in capturing these fleeting seconds than in creating a dramaturgy or establishing a generational portrait. Fantanova's intention is clear and even clarified in the official synopsis of the film: “During this summer, Jone will live among the feeling of immortality that travels with Olga, the girl who falls in love, and the fear of being left alone due to her father's disease.”

With these narrative wimbres, the sequences shot camera in hand follow each other, more pending of the correct interpretive work than to create a significant image. This visual helplessness is sometimes interrupted by textual stories in the form of a newspaper that only result in what the synopsis already exposed already pointed outwith the idea that it is clear to us what is the theme of the film: the passage of youth to the maturity of its protagonist between laughter and cries that had already anticipated us in the synopsis. Jone, sometimes (Jone, sometimes) It is still an exercise of little flight, autobiographical roots, as correct as Chato. You need to improve.


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