Martin Scorsese continues “on a tour of Europe”, after taking his most recent film, Flowers of the Killer Moon to the Cannes Film Festival, the filmmaker took his bags and headed to Italy, where in addition to organizing screenings of some of his films, visited the Vatican and met with Pope Francis.
In such instance, Scorsese announced that he is preparing a film about Jesus Christduring a press conference in Rome (via Variety):
“I have responded to the Pope’s call to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a script for a film about Jesus. And I’m about to start doing it.”
The conference was titled The Global Aesthetics of the Catholic Imagination. Scorsese came to her with her wife, Helen Morris. Both met Pope Francis during a private audience at the Vatican.
This conference was organized by the Jesuit publication La Civiltà Cattolica and Georgetown University. Reports indicate that Scorsese spoke both about references to his tapes, personal anecdotes, and “how he was moved by the Holy Father’s call ‘for us to see Jesus.'”
Scorsese portrayed the figure of Jesus in his 2016 film, Silence. Decades earlier, he made The Last Temptation of Christ.
Source: https://cine3.com/martin-scorsese-conoce-al-papa-y-anuncia-que-prepara-pelicula-sobre-jesucristo/