cheerful has been around for 15 years. 15 years, wtf. This is what we want, no, we have to celebrate. And with something special, something suitable; Something that we, the members of the gladfroh editorial team, do well: with something written.
Anyone who has followed us here for at least five years knows that we published a magazine to mark our 10th anniversary. We'll do that again. Yes, we're doing it again, we're making another glad-happy magazine!
And for this, like last time, we need: your texts, artwork, photo series, comics, illustrations, interviews, puzzles. Everything that has to do with Leipzig (and the surrounding area). Our slogan “We love electronic music from Leipzig” naturally also applies to our magazine. For our anniversary, we are dedicating ourselves to three spheres of club culture, Leipzig and music:
Past. Present. Future.
You can submit your texts, your art, your ideas until June 1, 2024! Send us an email [email protected] with the subject “15 years of joy”. We look forward to your submissions and to celebrating our anniversary again with a magazine.
Open Call +++ frohfroh Magazin
until June 1, 2024
Motto: Past. Present. Future.
Submissions to [email protected]
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/42076/15-jahre-frohfroh-open-call-fuer-magazin