Continuing the mission of publishing the 2023 editions of the radio version of Pequenos Clássicos Perdidos as a podcast, broadcast weekly on Thursdays by Internova Rádio Web (9 pm), on Fridays by Rádio Armazém (7 pm) and on Tuesdays by Electric Radio (9 pm), today we arrive here with our ninth episode of the year.
And following the trail of this original and written version of the PCP, in the program the path will be to escape the flood of releases and seek hidden treasures in the underworld of music from years or decades ago, always exploring all its aspects and exchanging that idea with the listeners as if we were in a pub.
Below is the list of songs played in this episode and then the links to listen to it.
Safe to trip!
Serena Assumpção – Ogun
Funkadelic – You and your folks me and my folks
Beastie Boys – Root down
Black Roof – Gasoline
Lindstrom – Deja vu
Dream Syndicate – Halloween
I Have It – Five years
Wilco – Shot in the arm
Ohio Players – Fire
Parliament – Unfunky ufo
Happy Mondays – Kinky afro
No Mixcloud
Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/08/03/pcp-radio-show-temporada-2023-episodio-09/