Salted Pie Pepperoni from Blender

The salty pepperoni pie made in the blender is delicious! Check out this simple and easy recipe for parties, weekends or any time of day!

Salted Pie Pepperoni from Blender

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



For your salty pepperoni pie to be perfect, take your blender and select the ingredients below!


  • Filling
  • Smoked pepperoni sausage, chopped 300g

  • 1 piece chopped onion

  • 3 cloves minced garlic

  • 2 pieces seedless tomato

  • Green corn 1 can (200g)

  • chopped parsley to taste

  • Pasta
  • egg 2 units

  • 3/4 cup (180 mL) milk

  • Oil 1/3 cup (80 mL)

  • 1/2 box sour cream (100g)

  • Salt 1/2 teaspoon (2g)

  • 1 and 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (180g)

  • Chemical yeast 1 tbsp (15g)

  • Parmesan 2 tablespoons (20g)

  • oregano to taste


  • Filling
  • In a skillet over medium heat, add 300g chopped smoked pepperoni sausage;
  • Add chopped onion 1 unit;
  • Add minced garlic 3 cloves;
  • Saute until golden;
  • Add Seedless Tomato 2 units;
  • Add Green Corn 1 can (200g);
  • Saute a little;
  • Turn off the heat and add chopped parsley to taste;
  • Mix and reserve;
  • Filling
  • In a blender, add Egg 2 units;
  • Add 3/4 cup (180 mL) Milk;
  • Add 1/3 cup (80 mL) Oil;
  • Add 1/2 box milk cream (100g);
  • Add 1/2 tsp Salt (2g);
  • Beat well;
  • Add 1 and 1/2 cup wheat flour (180g);
  • Add Chemical Yeast 1 tbsp (15g);
  • Mix;
  • Grease and flour a form;
  • Add 2/3 of the dough;
  • Add the stuffing;
  • Add the rest of the dough;
  • Add grated cheese and oregano;
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for approximately 40 minutes;
  • Your pepperoni salt blender pie is ready;Salted Pie Pepperoni from Blender

Recipe Video

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