Sohodolls «Letter to my Ex (Thank You, Goodbye)» – the British electroclash band Sohodolls has been around for many years and was able to score points with me a long time ago with songs like «Prince Harry». Then it became quiet around them for a while, but now they are back (also thanks to a viral TikTok hit) and are releasing new music again. This connects pretty seamlessly to their snappy pop songs of earlier days, as you can see on the current single. (Small edit: just yesterday another single, «Bad», was released, so this is only “semi-current”. 😉

The Primitives «Don’t know where to start» – Absolute indie guitar pop icons are of course the Primitives, who have been active again for a few years and always release cool songs. There was a new double A-side single this week and the sound is basically still as great as it was in the 80’s, meaning the song could have been on «Pure».


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