Melancholy songs have been part of my life since I was old enough to know the difference between a happy song and a sad one, and that was a long time ago. From a very young age I became attached to this half-forgotten side of the human soul, which in times of prosaic happiness has been pushed at great cost and antidepressants into a forgotten corner of the psyche.

The Winteryard trio brought me back the overwhelming sensation that is, for us melancholy beings, to be taken by the beauty that only sadness can provide. Instead of heat, cold; instead of colored, gray; the pain that insists on knocking at the door even when happiness is already inside… all of this is beautiful, but not in everyone’s eyes.

The band emerged 3 years ago, as a solitary way for Priscila de Castro to express her feelings in the form of music. Then, the arrival of Odair and Brunella and now in 2015 the second EP, which I present to you: “Endless Winter”.

Conceived through collective funding, the album features 05 tracks where stories about broken hearts are told over atmospheres delicately constructed by dreamlike textures. You can call it dream pop or post-rock, but the label here is what matters the least.

In these stories told by Winteryard, summer does not come to warm the cold, there is no happy ending. In just under 22 minutes, Priscila’s voice seems to echo right here, in me, and perhaps in all those cursed by addiction to sad songs, those in which there is only autumn and winter forever.


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