Filming starts in Madrid Verminfirst film written and directed by Jordi Sánchez and Pep Antón Gómez. the actor of The one that is coming makes his directorial debut in this black comedy with which he once again forms a creative partnership with Antón Gómez, with whom he has written plays for decades such as we don’t have dinner today, the eunuch o Half and half.

Jordi Sánchez and Pep Antón Gómez They claim to be following a path that they had already marked out together: and now they are taking the step in this film co-starring Carlos Areces that completes its distribution loles leon, Silvia April, carmina barrios, Pilar Bergés and the special collaboration of Antonio Resines.

Vermin is produced by Feelgood (Juana Macías, Juan Moreno and Guillermo Sempere), Kowalski Films (Koldo Zuazua), saturday movie (Toni Carrizosa), G.oblin Audiovisual (Ana Figueroa) and AIE Verminin association with Sony Pictures International Productions. In addition, the film has the participation of RTVE and Movistar Plus+, funding from the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Culture – ICAA. The film will be released in theaters in 2023 by Sony Pictures Entertainment.


Vermin is a black comedy for all audiences in which two very different brothers, Carlos and Paco (Carlos Areces and Jordi Sánchez), will end up united by the ambition of inheriting a building owned by their mother, already elderly. In that place “both have placed all their hopes to improve their precarious economic situation.”

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