The presence of new releases here is rare, not because I don't listen to them, but because I believe that the internet is already full of spaces for the dissemination of news, although I also think that most of these spaces don't care much about curation, just with the fact of 'being new'. Maybe it's my grumpiness, maybe not.

Anyway, if someone were to play this newly released Fully beat, debut album by Californian Aluminum, and if you asked me what year it came out I would answer something between 1991 and 1993, because even though it was released a month ago that's exactly how it sounds to me. Listen and disagree if you can.

The San Francisco band led by two vocalists Marc Leyda and Ryann Gonsalves – both already with a good background in the local scene – cites as influences a series of artists, from Happy Mondays a Breedersincluding Orbital and Bowery Electric, but generally speaking what I hear here as references are My Bloody Valentine e Boo Radleys circa 1992, with baggy touches that could come from either the Mondays or the Chapterhouse.

And regardless of what they quote or what I hear, the thing is that Fully beat It's SO 90s that when you listen to it you can even smell the noisy hellholes of SP (laughs stoned). So yes, it's a great launch, but it's a baby with the body and soul of a 30-year-old (more laughter) and was born the house's favorite.


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