Backwards Charme “Desert” – Today I'm going back to the roots of my blog, at least musically (I don't want to irritate you too much with the Japanese sounds, at least not all the time ;-), first with a band from Salzburg, which I found on YouTube -Recommendation I met. Backwards Charme make very cool DreamPop music with a lot of atmosphere, but also enough drive to be exciting. Your current EP “A Dream About Being A Person” has just been released and I especially think “Desert” is great.
Letting Up Despite Great Faults “Swirl” – This band from Austin, Texas, is something of an indie pop veteran and has been active for over a decade and a half. Your new song sounds a lot like JanglePop, which I certainly appreciate (from time to time).
Source: https://coast-is-clear.blogspot.com/2024/05/backwards-charme-letting-up-despite.html