Beverly Kills «New Berlin» – yes yikes, has it really been almost two years since I introduced the quartet from Gothenburg here in the blog? In any case, the time has finally come and the debut album «Kaleido» has been released. The band moved a bit away from the scratchy sound and moved a bit more in the melodic direction, which of course I like. The song “New Berlin” immediately catches my eye – a wonderful soundtrack for autumn.

BRATS «Spiderweb» – and now I’m going to ask you and your ears something ;-). BRATS are a duo (previously a quartet) from Japan, who until now have played more grunge rock, but now present their new single, which at first glance appears to be a very confusing and weird song, which could well be a James Bond theme song – if the same is progressive and experimental should be (which is not the case). After a few runs, the song has already played its way into my annual charts.


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