Blender Pepperoni Pie

Without a doubt, this blender pepperoni pie is a mouth-watering recipe!

Blender Pepperoni Pie

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



Let’s make a Blender Pepperoni Pie!


  • 3 whole eggs

  • 3 tomatoes

  • 2 cups wheat flour (tea)

  • 1 segment and 1/2 of pepperoni

  • 1 box of cream

  • 1 package of grated cheese

  • 1 tablespoon cake yeast

  • 1 pinch of salt

  • Oregano to taste

  • Green smell to taste

  • 400 ml whole milk

  • 120 ml of oil


  • Add the eggs, oil, milk, salt, grated cheese, milk cream to the blender and beat for 2 minutes. 
    Place the wheat flour in a bowl and gradually add the beaten mixture while stirring well. 
    Put the baking soda and stir again for the dough to be homogeneous.
  • For the filling, place 1 piece of chopped pepperoni, 2 chopped tomatoes, chopped green onion, oregano to taste and a pinch of salt in a bowl and mix well. 
    In a greased and infarcted shape, put some of the dough, then the stuffing and then the rest of the dough. 
    Sprinkle grated cheese on top and decorate with slices of 1 tomato, 1/2 slice of pepperoni and oregano.
  • Preheat the oven to 180º₢ and bake the pie for approximately 35 minutes. 
    Turn off the oven and leave it for another 5 minutes in it to lightly brown.
  • Carefully remove the pie from the oven, wait for it to cool down a bit and the pepperoni pie is ready to be cut and served.

Recipe Video

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