The prolific producer and film director, Sam Raimicreator of the horror franchise Evil Deadhas...
Described as the film that will mark the farewell to the story of Ed...
In the third installment of Deadpool soon to be released, the one titled Deadpool...
“Every minute counts.” A24 shook the hearts of the most sensitive moviegoers by revealing...
We're going back to El Pantano with Shrek 5! The fifth installment of the...
Last month, it was revealed that the 1981 horror film, Possessionthe Polish cinematographer Andrzej...
This week we will have the theatrical release (in the US) of the long-awaited...
The studies Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. Picturesy Amblin Entertainment continue to prepare the audience for...
During Sunday's British Grand Prix, Apple Studios and Warner Bros. They revealed the teaser...
We are already in the week of the release in theaters (in the United...
Disney+ and Marvel Studios revealed a teaser trailer for Agatha All Alongthe series that...
This year we will have the grand premiere in theaters of one of the...
This summer we will have the premiere in theaters of a new version of...
SPOILER ALERT: If you are not up to date with Episode 4 of Season...
Last March, the original cast of the popular youth comedy John Tucker Must Diereunited...
The marketing campaign of Deadpool & Wolverine continues this day with three fun new...
Stephen King is taking advantage of the July 4th celebration to catch up on...
Artificial intelligence is the protagonist of the horror project Afraidpreviously titled They Listenof Sony...
The third installment of the action-adventure franchise, Now You See Me of Lionsgate has...
Lionsgate and the director Rupert Sanders (Snow White and the Hunstman, Ghost in the...
We are now very close to the long-awaited release of one of the most...