Last year we were able to celebrate our 15th birthday with gladfroh. For this occasion, Jens was heard by us on Radio Blau. There is the recording here.
“Diving Into” is the name of the weekly, well-worth listening program on Radio Blau, in which host Anja talks to various players in the Leipzig club scene. Jens von gladfroh was also invited on December 1st, 2024. The two of them talked about our anniversary and the story of gladly. But it was also about current challenges and trends in music journalism. Thank you Anja for the invitation.
Here is the broadcast again to listen to:

A tip on your own behalf:
There are still a few copies of our print magazine that we published in November for our anniversary. At Sleeve++, Inch by Inch and at MZIN (which unfortunately will go into an open break at the end of April). You can also order the mag directly from us via Bandcamp. But be careful: the “Black Edition” will soon be sold out.
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/43802/diving-into-15-jahre-frohfroh-radio-blau-mitschnitt