I have long owed PCP readers a post about Killing Joke, to talk about the importance of Jaz Coleman and co., about how I discovered the band with Night time, from 1985 – perhaps the main ‘target’ of this text. But not today.

For this Friday of exhaustion and alcoholic need, I decided to play the compilation The Peel sessions on our virtual record player. 1979-1981which, as the title explains, brings together the band’s first four visits to a place called Nothing Hill (lack of a joke hahaha) on Master Peel’s program and another on Professor Richard Skinner’s show.

The initial 4 tracks were recorded on October 17, 1979; the next 3 on March 5, 1980, then 3 more on April 27, 1981, 4 on December 16 of the same year (all with Peel) and finishing the tour with 3 more with Skinner on May 29, 1981, among the two sessions with John.

Given the capybara of the album, I suggest turning up the volume, because the shit here is visceral and nervous, words that define Killing Joke well. Hold the trip!


Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/10/20/killing-joke-the-peel-sessions-1979-1981-2008/

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