On the occasion of the upcoming premiere of the third season of the series Industry from HBO, of which Kit Harington part of the cast, the actor spoke about moving away from “morally perfect” characters since his interpretation as the role that brought him worldwide fame: Jon Snow I don't Game of Thrones.

In an interview with THR he spoke about his most recent character, Henry Muck in Industry:

“I think there will be no doubt in the audience’s mind that Henry Muck is not morally righteous at all – he really isn’t. The question is whether they like him, whether they care, whether they care, and whether they understand that those shaky moral foundations have come about for a reason. And that’s the point.”

“Jon Snow was wonderful, I loved him, but sometimes it was difficult to play him because he was morally quite perfect, which is sometimes difficult to play.”

And regarding the planned spinoff series centered on Jon Snow, which was recently revealed not to be moving forward, the actor confirmed to ScreenRant:

“It’s currently off the table, because we couldn’t find the right story to tell that we were excited enough about. So we decided to put it aside for the time being. We might pick it up again in the future, but for now, no. It’s firmly shelved.”

“I had never talked about it because it was in development. I didn’t want it to leak out that it was in development and I didn’t want people to start theorizing or getting excited or hating the idea, when it might never happen. Because in development, you look at all the angles and see if it’s worth it.”

And while we continue to wait to find out if we will see Harington reprise his role as Jon Snow, we can enjoy the third season of Industrywhich premieres on HBO and Max on Sunday, August 11.

Source: https://cine3.com/kit-harington-sobre-jon-snow-era-complicado-interpretarlo-era-moralmente-perfecto/

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