Lana Del Rey “A&W” – oh yeah, there’s a new Lana single, and finally one that I really like. 7+ minutes, released on Valentine’s Day (which shows Lana’s quirky sense of humor given the working title “American Whore” and the lyrics), and very suspenseful. The first half consists again primarily of piano and acoustic guitar, but this time the music is very menacing, has something of Radiohead. In the second half it’s off. 🙂 On March 24th the new album «Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd» will be out, which will be around 80 minutes long.

AUTOBAHN «Post-History» – with this band name of the quartet from Leeds one thinks first of Krautrock, but here they play slanted, slightly aggressive post-punk, which I like a lot. The album “The Ecstacy of Ruin” will be released in April.


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