In all these years in this vital industry I've heard many, many bands that somehow drink in the eternal source of Velvet Undergroundbut the neck that reminds me I heard one that was drunk so much from the elixir of Lou and Cia. As for the Lewsberg Quartet.

Graduated in Rotterdam in the second half of the 10th, the group has been running Singles, EPS and albums in Bandcamp since 2017, and if in all of them there is a larger or smaller Velvetian load in the pre-standard In this house Which turns here now, words as influence and reference are small.

From “Left Turn” to “Standard Procedures” what is listened to on the album are timbres, guitar phrases, themes, rhythmic session and especially the voice and way of singing by Arie Van Vliet emulating the various faces of VU, from wilder to quieter.

'But then, the album is bad?', You can ask me. No, even sounding like a contemporary xerox of the velvets In this house It doesn't have a single bad song and among the 10 that make up some are really fucking (“Cold Light of Day” and “Through the Garden”, for example).

On a near but expanded scale the Lewsberg did the same as the Omni em Networkerletting the pool waters drain through the pores – apparently deeply – in which they dive to create their work.


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