During the tropical (or not so) Brazilian summer, the radio version of Pequenos Clássicos Perdidos enters a well-deserved recess, but even so we don’t give you a break. Every week a different mixtape arrives here, lasting 1 hour and a theme as random as the global climate.
To start the ribbon sequence, let’s turn our backs to the sun and dance in the dark with the walls. cloudy summer was obviously the name chosen to baptize this set of classic tracks from the gothic basements, filled with bat hits.
Without further lectures, turn up the volume, press play and HOLD THE TRIP!
Mecano – Links
Siouxsie and The Banshees – Trophy
Alien Sex Fiend – I walk the line
She Wants Revenge – Tear you apart
Pink Industry – Pain of pride
Bauhaus – The man with the x ray eyes
Trisomie 21 – Breaking down
Anne Clark – Sleeper in metropolis
Christian Death – Romeo’s distress
The Sisters of Mercy – Alice
Danse Macabre – She believe
Sex Gang Children – Sebastiane
The Cure – Siamese twins
No Mixcloud
Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/01/05/mixtapes-pcp-verao-trevoso/