Ninho milk filling for cakes and pies

With this filling of Leite Ninho cakes and pies you can give your desserts a special flavor!

Ninho milk filling for cakes and pies

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



Delight yourself with this tasty and practical Nest Milk filling for cakes and pies!


  • 1 box of condensed milk

  • 1 box of cream

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 4 tablespoons of Ninho Milk (or other powdered milk)


  • In a pan put the condensed milk, Leite Ninho or other powdered milk and mix well before taking to the fire.
  • Add the cream of milk and mix well. 
    Add the butter, place over medium heat and mix non-stop until it thickens and comes off easily when using a spatula.
  • Turn off the heat and keep stirring constantly until the mixture is smooth. 
    Transfer the still hot candy to a plate and cover with plastic film in contact.
  • Leave a few hours in the fridge and the Leite Ninho filling is ready to be used in desserts or eaten with a spoon.

Recipe Video

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