From 2020 to muse-mór Polly Jean Harvey has been re-releasing its catalog with demo versions of its albums, maintaining a tradition started (I believe) with 4 Track demosfrom 1993. It is his way of registering the creative process that culminates in his official works and for us, PJ fans, a sound glimpse of his rawest verve, stripped of production.
Last November, the last of these firecrackers hit the market, baptized simply and objectively as B-sides, demos & rarities, containing no less than 59 split tracks on 3 CDs or 6 Lps (!). Here, sisters and brothers, are three decades of the PJ Harvey we learned to love viscerally in Dry and that we continue to love, perhaps more contemplatively but no less intensely, over the years.
There are 3 hours of raw gems, many of them never available in physical or digital form, so I advise you to press play and let it play loud and clear to celebrate this March 8th with one of the most badass women to ever walk this sexist and sexist planet. misogynistic.
Or on fucking spotifail
Source: https://pequenosclassicosperdidos.com.br/2023/03/08/pj-harvey-b-sides-demos-rarities-2022/