Simple White Sauce

With this incredible simple white sauce you can spice up many dishes with a lot of flavor!

Simple White Sauce

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



Simple yet delicious, this simple white sauce is perfect for pasta and pies!


  • 600ml of milk

  • 30ml of water to dissolve the wheat flour

  • 2 tablespoons wheat flour

  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 chopped onion

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • Garlic paste to taste

  • Ginger Powder to taste

  • Black pepper to taste

  • Black pepper to taste


  • In a bowl add the water, wheat flour and stir until dissolved. 
    Put butter or margarine and chopped onion in a pan and fry, stirring constantly. 
    Add the garlic paste, ginger powder and stir again.
  • Add milk and wheat flour dissolved in water. 
    Mix continuously until it boils and has the consistency of porridge. 
    Reduce the heat and cook for another 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add the salt, kingdom pepper, black pepper and stir some more. 
    Turn off the heat and the white sauce is ready to serve.

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