Vegetable Pie without Flour and without Milk

Whether for the main meal or an afternoon snack, this flourless and dairy-free vegetable pie is an interesting and delicious recipe that is very easy to make!

Vegetable Pie without Flour and without Milk

Recipe by caion


Prep time


Cooking time



No one can resist a tasty recipe like this flourless and dairy-free vegetable pie!


  • 6 whole eggs

  • 2 small carrots

  • 1 small chayote

  • 1 small Italian zucchini

  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

  • Black pepper to taste

  • Salt to taste


  • Grate the chayote, Italian zucchini, carrots and set aside. 
    In a blender add the eggs, salt to taste, black pepper to taste and beat well. 
    Add the liquid mixture with the grated vegetables, add the baking powder and gently mix with a spoon until smooth.
  • Pour the dough into a greased shape with a little olive oil. 
    Bake in a preheated oven at 200º₢ for about 35 to 40 minutes. 
    Carefully remove it from the oven and let it cool. 
    Unmold and the vegetable pie is ready to eat.

Recipe Video

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