This peanut cake with oatmeal is simply incredible and is to be made again!
Learn how to make passion fruit cake filling with amazing and delicious results!
Cheesecake, also known as mangulão, is a tasty and fluffy recipe that conquers anyone...
Ready in a few minutes and with few ingredients, this fit pancake is very...
Follow this delicious recipe for green sauce to accompany snacks, snacks and various other...
Learn how to make a tin corn cake that is delicious and super easy...
Dessert that brings together practicality and few ingredients, the strawberry mousse with gelatin has...
Strengthen your immunity with a lot of flavor in the glass by preparing this...
This frozen banana smoothie is delicious and super quick to prepare!
With this pineapple juice with coconut water you can quench your thirst with lots...
Tuna salad can be made in a few minutes and the result is a...
Check out this super yummy blender carrot cake recipe!
Refresh yourself with a lot of flavor and also gain more health with this...
Who can resist a simple, practical and tasty chocolate cake, right? Check out the step-by-step...
Practical and super tasty, the classic cinnamon banana cake can’t be missing from your...
Learn how to make bread pudding in a simple, tasty and perfect way for...
Similar to brigadeiro but made from coconut instead of chocolate, beijinho is an absolute...
Whether for the main meal or an afternoon snack, this flourless and dairy-free vegetable...
With only 3 simple ingredients, beijinho is a coconut sweetie that is quick and...
With this white sauce recipe, you can add a special touch to pasta and...