Exactly one year ago, our big “Täter an den Decks” series, which deals with sexualized violence by Leipzig DJs, was published. In December, a website went online that exposed another case. On 22.3. a program will be broadcast on Radio Blau on the case.
Triggerwarnung: This article refers to a story and website dealing with non-consensual porn in the Leipzig club scene.
** Mrs. Pepstein’s World March 22, 2022 // from 8-10 p.m. via Radio Blau **
“Late last year I was stunned by this story of around 50 women/flintas whose photos (taken privately or stolen from social media) appeared on a porn platform. You can find out what’s behind this story, why this is unfortunately not an isolated case and how the whole thing is to be classified legally, in my next show,” writes the host Mrs. Pepstein on her show.
She met Nina* and Sonja*, who told her how they found out that their pictures had been misused and what that had done to them. Together with other people affected, they went public a few months ago.
In addition, she has with Dr. Anja Schmidt, who helped her with the legal classification. She is a legal scholar and is head of the DGF research project “Pornography and Sexual Self-Determination”. Towards the end of the program you will hear a contribution from the seminar “Feminist Media” (Frages Leipzig), which deals with sexualised violence in the club scene.
After the broadcast, the program is available for 7 days in the Radio blau media library.
“Not Your F***ing Porn!” – behind this angry exclamation is a website of more than 50 women who had to realize about a year ago that countless private, sometimes intimate pictures of them were uploaded to a well-known porn website . With non-consensual porn, there is also a separate term for this phenomenon, which is apparently still new territory for the Leipzig police and the judicial authorities.
Because the website not only shows in a frightening way how a well-connected DJ and organizer in the Leipzig drum & bass scene illegally published pictures of ex-girlfriends, colleagues and acquaintances with misogynistic and disrespectful comments over a long period of time. It also makes it clear how difficult it is for the person affected to make themselves heard by the police and the judiciary and to be taken seriously.
The initiative wants to draw attention to this. At the same time, it provides detailed background information and links to institutions that help with digital violence – including HateAid, Weißer Ring e. V. and hate reporting.
This case proves once again: Sexual violence against FLINTA* people – no matter what form – remains a structural problem.
Not somewhere far away, but also in our local and regional club bubble.
Grafik: Not Your F***ing Porn!
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/37425/freund-dj-taeter