We recently started a small survey on our Instagram channel. We wanted to know what interests you in terms of content and what you might be missing from gladfroh. Here is a summary of your feedback.

First of all: Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. She’s still in story highlights and open to join – but the early results are already interesting.

We take these insights with us:

→ Music news from Leipzig is still important to many of you – especially portraits, interviews and background stories. Yeah!

→ For party tips, glad glad is relevant from time to time. Ok, let’s see if we can change that!

→ The very young rave generation is hardly on the radar. That’s what we have to do if we want to keep it relevant in the future!

What would make happy even nicer? Here is a selection of answers:

☞ Post new articles more consistently

☞ Like to write more in-depth about music

☞ Artist talks lead to the creation of music

☞ Provide insights into the history of music in Leipzig

☞ More track premieres and spot-on podcasts

☞ Mehr Artists of Color pushen

Join us. Be frohfroh. Open Call.

We were particularly pleased about one point in the survey: More than a third of the participants said that they would like to take part in gladfroh – by writing or otherwise. This is your hour! Feel free to send us a message to dance [at] gladfroh.de and pitch us how you would like to contribute and realize yourselves at gladfroh.

Here are a few suggestions for what you can do with glad glad:

✲ Music and cultural journalism – reviews, interviews, event announcements, track premieres, reports, essays etc.

✲ Party tips – curate appointments, create tips in the backend, further develop the dance dance section

✲ Social media – take care of happy glad’s Instagram and Twitter profiles, maybe start TikTok 😉

✲ Podcasts – develop, launch and support other podcast formats

✲ Photography / Video – Illustrate artist photos or reports

So, if you want to be part of the next happy-froh generation and accompany the Leipzig club scene journalistically, then join us – be happy!

Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/39874/lets-talk-about-an-open-call

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