The legendary director Ridley Scottrevealed the particular request of a studio executive. During his...
Reviews The new adaptation of Nosferatu directed by Robert Eggers has caused a sensation...
On the morning of this Monday, December 9, 2024, the list of all nominees...
The cast of the remake that 20th Century Studios is preparing The Hand That...
The marketing campaign Sonic the Hedgehog 3 continues with a new poster shared by...
Marissa Stapley's best-selling novel Luckyhas obtained the green light from Apple TV+ to become...
Next December 16, 17 and 18, 2024, Nosferatufrom the screenwriter and director Robert Eggerswill...
Make a simple and easy to make Chocolate Cake!
We already have official confirmation of when we will have the return of the...
Roller Derby «Emily’s Dance» – oh, how nice, the Hamburg duo Roller Derby is...
The National Council of Film Critics (National Board of Review; NBR revealed its annual...
The fifth season of The Boys is officially underway. The creator and showrunner Erik...
Follow the recipe and learn how to make tender and juicy skillet grilled fish!
Although almost three years have passed since the launch of Scream (2022), we launch...
Last March, MAX announced that it would be joining the ban on sharing user...
The nominations for the 40th edition of the Film Independent Spirit Awardswhich annually recognize...
JB Perrette, head of global streaming at Warner Bros. Discovery, announced when we can...
Make this Carrot Cake recipe that looks great!
A massive Saturday is coming up – with ten recommendations in almost every corner...
The cast of Scream 7the next sequel to the slasher saga Screamhas just added...
The second Sunday in Advent has two day raves. happy daily tip // Easy...