Regina Hallone of the original stars of the film franchise Scary Movieis speaking out...
The next project of Christopher Nolanwho will have his house in Universal Picturesas happened...
Perseids are meteor showers that occur annually during the second half of August, named...
This cheese bread is ideal for anyone looking for an easy and delicious snack...
We're going back to the Pleistocene era with Manny, Sid, Diego and the rest...
It's almost time to see the most iconic vampire in cinema on the big...
Paramount Pictures set up a website so the audience can watch free for the...
Continuing the mission of uploading as a podcast the editions of the 2024 season...
The hunt is about to begin with the release of Kraven the Huntery Sony...
This morning, Netflix revealed a teaser for Stranger Things 5with which he announces the...
Conne Island has experienced – and survived – many troubled times over the last...
In addition to revealing the episode titles of Stranger Things 5Netflix continues to celebrate...
New weekend, new happiness. This time a hot bass tip – and of course...
We are one month away from the theatrical release of the horror and science...
Former California quintet Dummy was born in the late 2010s (sort of) from the...
Discover the secret to the perfect caramel sauce for puddings and other desserts!
Today is a good evening for surprises and new discoveries – or for catching...
Dark Castle Entertainment y Lionsgate have officially confirmed that the horror franchise The Orphan...
And there will be another premiere on Sunday – including nostalgic vibes. happy daily...
In December we will see the most iconic vampire in cinema again, Nosferatu, with...