Sneakers are something like the missing link (really) between Big Star's power pop and the eighties jangle pop spearheaded and popularized by R.E.M.and if they are unknown outside the ghetto made up of musical addicts it is because the world is an unfair place.

Born in 1975 in North Carolina, the band with the name of tennis (bad joke, I know) only released one self-titled album and one EP before his death, which if (unfortunately) didn't take them to greater heights, perhaps it gave them a boost for its founders – Chris Stamey, Will Rigby and Mitch Easter – to go on to form their own seminal bands; the first two to dBs and Easter to Let's Active (in addition to producing the first two albums by the aforementioned REM)

What's playing on our virtual record player today is the guys' debut, recorded in Atlanta, released via Carnivore in '76 and then reissued in 1992 and 2015 – this last version is exactly the one shared below, with 11 tracks and the version of classic “Let's live for today”, by Grass Roots.

One of these days we'll come back here with dB's or Let's Active, the fruits originated by Sneakers, but today is the day to get to know the classy power pop of its roots.

Listen to the stalk!


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