The short story of Stephen King, Autopsy Room Fourwill be adapted to film, with a feature film that will be written and directed by Ranjeet S. Marwaand executive produced by industry veteran Jon Levin, who previously produced In the Tall Grass of King, Deadline reported.
Marwa is recognized for his work in low-budget genre films in the United States and the United Kingdom.
The source shares that horror master King has greenlit the adaptation. Development is underway right now.
Autopsy Room Four delves into the mind of a man who, after a life-threatening accident, wakes up trapped in an autopsy room. As he faces his own mortality, the story addresses themes of fear, survival, and the unknown.
The short story was originally published in King’ Six Stories in 1997, and appeared in the anthology Robert Bloch’s Pyschos later that same year.
This is not the first time Autopsy Room Four will be adapted. Previously he was part of Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King which TNT launched in the summer of 2006.