The classic short story The Masque of the Red Death From Edgar Allan Poe, he is preparing a film adaptation with A24 and Pictureart. According to Deadline reports, the actress Sydney Sweeney (Immaculate, Euphoria) It is found in talks to join in leading role.
Adaptation is described as “A deeply revisionist and darkly comic version of the story.”
Charlie Polinger (Fuck Me, Richard) will be the screenwriter and director. A24 will be in charge of distribution in the United States.
“Poe's original story is about a prince who tries to avoid a dangerous plague, known as red death, hiding in his abbey.”
The details of this new version are kept secret. Some sources say that the film will be shot this year, adds the source.
Pollinger will be the executive producer with Lucy Mckendrick.
Right now, the filmmaker is in the postproduction of The Plaguean independent project starring Joel Edgerton.
Sweeney, who announced the mainstream audience with the series Euphoria And the first season of The White Lotushad a full schedule in 2024, including the Rom-Comment Anyone But Youthe Immaculate horror thriller, the HBO movie, Realityfor which she was nominated for Choice critics. Right now he is filming The Housemaid of Lionsgate. Subsequently, the filming of the third season of Euphoria.