the medical drama Grey’s Anatomy –the longest-running series of its kind in the history...
While it’s unfortunate that the ‘final girl’ of the slasher horror saga Scream, Neve...
director’s film Colin Trevorrow y Universal Pictures, Jurassic World: Dominioncalled by its marketing as “the...
With the premiere of the survival thriller Fall just held in theaters this weekend...
With a month since its exhibition in theaters around the world, the fourth solo...
With premiere set at Prime Video for him Friday, September 2, 2022 all over...
The return of the Sanders sisters can be seen in a new official poster...
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA; Hollywood Foreign Press Association), made up of 93...
Hulu announced during the Television Critics Association summer tour that it has officially greenlit...
Colin Farrell talks about possible return to ‘The Batman 2’ and the series ‘The Penguin’ –
Colin Farrell is promoting the film Thirteen Lives (premiere on Prime Video August 5)...
The entertainment world has been wondering about the plans of Warner Bros. Discoveryas the...
In the most recent rankings of the most watched series on streaming services, the...
TWO WEEKS from the grand premiere of the anticipated prequel series of Game of...
slasher horror comedy Bodies Bodies Bodies directed by Halina Reijn for A24has just been...
Practically since the sitcom Community Concluding its broadcast in the summer of 2015, after...
Comedy is one of the most deeply rooted genres in Spanish cinema. Although from...
Netflix released this morning the official full trailer of the anticipated film Blonde of...
You know those detective novels that we usually read during a boring train ride...
The twelfth feature film by the filmmaker Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimera period piece about J....
the medical drama Grey’s Anatomy –the longest-running series of its kind in the history...
The Oscar-winning Mexican filmmaker, Alfonso Cuaronalready has his next project in his sights, for...