The last weeks of the Distillery at its current location have begun – time for a podcast on site. Our “Hey Hey” host Sebastian caught up with Anne and Alex from the crew.
30 years anniversary, at the same time the gradual farewell to Kurt-Eisner-Straße and then an upcoming new beginning at the Old Fair – the mood in the distillery should range between hooray, tears and some stress. For our “Hey Hey” podcast, Sebastian wanted to know what the vibe is like in the club right now – among the audience and the crew.

In a conversation with Anne and Alex from the distillery crew, there are also a few insights into the planning of the interim location in exhibition hall 7 and the Gleisdreick. Enjoy listening:
And don’t forget: The distillery is currently running a crowdfunding campaign to cushion part of the ventilation costs in the new location. There is more information about this here.
Source: https://www.frohfroh.de/39528/hey-hey-distillery