“The most dangerous enemy is an old friend.” Robert De Niro returns to the...
NEON continues to prepare the audience for the theatrical release of The Monkeyfrom the...
The show must go on. The organizers of the Sundance Dinner Festival confirm that...
This weekend, Netflix will release one of its high-profile projects, the action comedy Back...
At the end of 2025, James Cameron will take us once again to live...
This morning, the Producers Union revealed the list of nominees for the PGA Awards...
Scream 7 filming began in Atlanta in recent days, and with this the signing...
The filmmaker Jaume Collet-Serra The dramatic horror thriller will soon be released The Woman...
“A brilliant mind is the most dangerous weapon”Apple TV+ tells us in the official...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (British Academy Film Awards; BAFTA) revealed...
After he Writers Guild (WGA; Writers Guild of America) postponed on two occasions the...
The iconic filmmaker David Lynchwhich revolutionized cinema with a unique vision in film projects...
The marketing campaign for the long-awaited film adaptation of the popular 2015 horror video...
With filming underway in Atlanta for just over a week, the newest installment in...
He Producers Union postponed the announcement of its nominees for the 2025 PGA Awardswhich...
He Writers Guild (WGA; Writers Guild of America) nominations for the 2025 WGA Awards...
Sony Pictures launched a new trilogy that will follow the events of 28 Days...
“Same night, different nightmare.” Sony Pictures' Screen Gems kicks off the marketing campaign for...
In case you are not aware, we tell you that the 1928 short film,...
Just a couple of days before the theatrical release of the reboot of the...
With filming completed in recent weeks, Jurassic World Rebirtha new installment of the franchise...