If you haven’t tried banana brigadeiro yet, check out the recipe and learn how...
Learn how to make a delicious chicken broth with cassava, also known as Goiás...
Simple and without error, pasta with sausage is an economical option for those who...
The classic end-of-year party dessert cannot be missing from your table! Check out this recipe...
This passion fruit cake with syrup will make anyone fall in love with every...
In addition to being tasty and fluffy, this chocolate cake can be made without...
With a taste of the June party and easy to prepare, this creamy canned...
Prepare this creamy and tasty pasta with white sauce for a delicious and very...
In today’s recipe you’ll learn how to make delicious shredded jerky in butter and...
Ideal to accompany barbecues and different dishes, this green garlic sauce is very tasty...
Follow this rice pudding recipe that is too easy to make and is super...
Baked vegetables are a healthy and tasty recipe option that brings together colors and...
Learn how to make a super fluffy, wet and delicious corn cake that doesn’t...
Easy to prepare, this yogurt sauce gives an even more special flavor to salads...
This irresistible chocolate and vanilla mixed cake is super fluffy and tasty!
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this pé de moleque recipe and learn how to...
With a very Brazilian flavor, the classic coconut cake recipe cannot be missing from...
A simple and tasty dish, soft polenta accompanies several recipes and enhances meals with...
This peanut cake with oatmeal is simply incredible and is to be made again!
Learn how to make passion fruit cake filling with amazing and delicious results!
Cheesecake, also known as mangulão, is a tasty and fluffy recipe that conquers anyone...