Who can resist a simple, practical and tasty chocolate cake, right? Check out the step-by-step...
Practical and super tasty, the classic cinnamon banana cake can’t be missing from your...
Learn how to make bread pudding in a simple, tasty and perfect way for...
Similar to brigadeiro but made from coconut instead of chocolate, beijinho is an absolute...
Whether for the main meal or an afternoon snack, this flourless and dairy-free vegetable...
With only 3 simple ingredients, beijinho is a coconut sweetie that is quick and...
With this white sauce recipe, you can add a special touch to pasta and...
Surprise yourself with the fluffy and delicious dough of this yeast-free cake recipe!
Learn how to make mulled wine, a typical June festival drink with an irresistible...
There are days that ask for a simple and delicious banana cake like this...
Learn how to make an irresistible and tasty Italian straw in a super easy...
Whether for a salad or to spice up snacks, this avocado mayonnaise is sensational,...
Easy to prepare and beyond delicious, this corn cream recipe will win you over...
Stuffed sausage combines practicality and flavor in one dish!
Leave everyone speechless with this delicious and fluffy homemade panettone!
Give your cakes a special touch with this delicious and creamy chocolate frosting with...
Make your day lighter and more delicious with this amazing gluten-free skillet bread!
Repurpose the bread you have at home and prepare this simple bread pudding recipe...
Turn any simple cake into a super dessert with this simple, practical and delicious...